Merging Intervals
Leetcode problem.
Given a collection of intervals, merge all overlapping intervals. An interval can be represented as an instance of a meeting class with integer member variables defining the start and end times of the interval.
class Meeting
unsigned int mStartTime;
unsigned int mEndTime;
Meeting() :
Meeting(unsigned int startTime, unsigned int endTime) :
unsigned int getStartTime() const
return mStartTime;
void setStartTime(unsigned int startTime)
mStartTime = startTime;
unsigned int getEndTime() const
return mEndTime;
void setEndTime(unsigned int endTime)
mEndTime = endTime;
The goal is to define a function mergeRanges taking a vector of multiple meetings and returning another vector where the overlapping input meetings has been merged.
Understand the problem
Since the problem asks to write an function merging overlapping meetings, the first step is to clearly define when two meetings overlaps. Two meetings $M_{1}$ and $M_{2}$ overlaps if the following conditions are verified:
- the start time of $M_{1}$ is less or equal than the start time of $M_{2}$;
- the end time of $M_{1}$ is greater or equal than the start time of $M_{2}$.
The resulting merged meeting $M_{3}$ is a meeting having the start time of $M_{1}$ and an end time corresponding to the later of the end time of $M_{1}$ and the end time of $M_{2}$. This condition takes into account the edge case when $M_{2}$ ends before $M_{1}$ ends.
Brute force solution
The brute force solution is to compare each meeting to each other meeting, merging them or leaving them separate according to the previously defined rule. The implementation is straightforward and uses a nested for loop to iterate over all possible couples of meetings. Using two temporary variables to clearly defines which is the meeting with the earlier starting time for each couple of meetings improves the code readability. The solution is optimized using a hash set to cache the indices of the already merged meetings in order not to process them again. So, the time complexity is O(n2) and the space complexity is O(n).
vector<Meeting> mergeRanges(const vector<Meeting>& meetings)
vector<Meeting> mergedMeetings;
set<size_t> processedMeetings;
for (size_t i = 0; i < meetings.size(); ++i) {
if (processedMeetings.find(i) != processedMeetings.end()) continue;
Meeting first, second, current{meetings[i]};
for (size_t j = i+1; j < meetings.size(); ++j) {
if (processedMeetings.find(j) != processedMeetings.end()) continue;
if (current.getStartTime() <= meetings[j].getStartTime()) {
first = current;
second = meetings[j];
else {
first = meetings[j];
second = current;
if (first.getEndTime() >= second.getStartTime()) {
current.setEndTime(max(first.getEndTime(), second.getEndTime()));
return mergedMeetings;
Optimal Solution
A better solution can be derived observing that merging a couple of meetings requires to determine which the meeting with the earlier start time (i.e. which is $M_{1}$). So, if all meetings were sorted according to their start time, it would be possible to solve the problem in one pass trying to merge each meeting with the one after it. The resulting implementation is included in the following code snapshot.
vector<Meeting> mergeRanges(const vector<Meeting>& meetings)
if (meetings.size() == 0) return {};
vector<Meeting> sortedByStartTime(meetings.begin(), meetings.end());
sort(sortedByStartTime.begin(), sortedByStartTime.end(),
[](const Meeting& a, const Meeting&b){return a.getStartTime() < b.getStartTime();});
vector<Meeting> mergedMeetings{sortedByStartTime.front()};
for (const auto& meeting : sortedByStartTime) {
//check if merge is possible
if (mergedMeetings.back().getEndTime() >= meeting.getStartTime()) {
else {
return mergedMeetings;
It's worth to observe that is very convenient to insert a meeting in the output vector and then try to merge it with the next one in the input vector. An alternative is to use a temporary variable to store the current meeting in the input vector, updating it when the merge with the next meeting is possible and inserting it in the output vector when the merge is not possible. However, this approach would require additional checks after the for loop to understand if the temporary variable has been already inserted in the output vector or if the output vector is empty. The time complexity of this solution is O(nlogn) because of the sorting step. The space complexity is O(1). The code with all the test cases is available on my Github repository.